6 Teeth- Saving Tips for Coffee Lovers

images 6 Teeth-Saving Tips for Coffee Lovers

  1. Ice it Down – cold brewed coffee does less damage than the hot stuff.
  2. Rinse Away – after every few sips of coffee, take a sip of water and swish it around a bit before swallowing.
  3. All in the Straw – sipping your cup of coffee through a straw helps bypass the front surfaces of your teeth.
  4. Don’t Drag it Out – finish off your one cup of coffee more quickly, rather then nursing it all morning.  Then rinse away.
  5. Stain-Fighting Foods – fibrous foods like apples, carrots and celery scrub teeth naturally as you chew them. So following up with these foods helps minimize the staining process.
  6. Milk It – add milk or cream to your coffee, you are indirectly lessening the staining power of your morning pick me up.

Of course, the only way to really prevent coffee stains is to stop drinking it entirely. But for those who love their cup of “joe”, these tips can help you to protect your pearly whites. For a full description of this article by Kenneth B. Mak, DDS go to http://dailydemitasse.com/6-teeth-saving-tips-coffee-lovers/


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